Tales from the Thrift Store Redux

So … we are doing this whole data on a thrift store laptop thing again huh? Alright, let us get this over with.

Just to get started, I will not be showing off a bunch of pictures from this one. Firstly because in an effort to expand this article to epic proportions I ended up misplacing my original notes / screen shots and need to start over. Secondly, time around someone left more than just a bunch of links and random useless files behind. This time, there were business contracts, company tax information, personal information, and even … believe it or not … images and videos from security cameras (also there was contracts with an adult film company).

Despite all the files that were left behind, the details of the files show the last access dates were sometime between 2000 and 2002, putting the computer sitting on a shelf for a while – it was running Windows 98. That shelf sitting was long enough that when I took a casual search for some of the companies in the documents no longer existed. Even though all the material left behind on the machine were old and from companies that no longer exist – the drive should have been wiped long before I even saw it in the thrift store. At the end of the day though – finding what was left behind, the drive got wiped after the quick peek for this post.

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