Hosting a Website on the Go

Recently (relatively) I was going through some video recommendations and came across a video describing on how to host a website on a Raspberry Pi from just about anywhere including while traveling (like hotel WIFI or a mobile hotspot).

HakByte: Learn Web Hosting on Your Raspberry Pi with Dataplicity

Checking out the dataplicity site, the service is intended for management of IoT devices by making it convenient to connect to them wherever, without needing to jump through a lot of hoops (like configuring firewalls). I had a spare Raspberry Pi so why not give this a try and I went about setting it up.

The setup process is really simple, I am not going to spell it out here since the documentation is really clear – set up the Pi, connect it to the internet, run the script. Once complete, the Pi shows up in a dashboard letting one connect to the terminal or providing a randomized URL to connect with a web browser.

Terminal and URL

Once the Pi is reporting to the console and the URL is created then the next step is to create the website on one’s favorite webserver, which is a lesson for another time. All said, when finished, I did not really feel this would be useful as I thought for anything I might need, but I left the Pi online while deciding what to do… maybe I will put a model train online or something.

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