This is a post that was written in the past, deleted, lost, abandoned, then recovered. When I recovered the posts (in July of 2021) I set the publish date / time to match up with the original post date. While I PLANNED to never resurrect historical posts, some of posts show progression of skills over the years… I hope I don’t regret reviving this …
Since I’ve been on the topic of Flash here lately, I HAVE to bring this up. I normally use a flash blocker in FireFox because I’ve gotten tired of Flash Ads in all the pages I go to (this is really comical if you get the opportunity to try it – HUGE blanked spaces). So anyway, I just got done with some logos in Flash, now granted a few years ago I’d probably have done them in animated .gif’s, but anyone who’s done old school .gifs …. yeah.
So, I was surfing the other day and decided to click to see one of these ads (the flash blocker I use allows you to click the ad to view the actual ad), it was 1 word. THATS right boys and girls, the ad consisted of one word that did … nothing. Now, I’ve been looking into web dev jobs and they REQUIRE expertise in flash, and I’ve got to wonder, is that what we’ve come to now is using flash for something we should be using Photoshop or Gimp for ?? Then to compound my frustration, I was listening to a talk from a well known security conference (well known … and well feared I might add), and someone asked the speaker about a flash player for the iPhone. Com’on people where does the Madness end ?!