Rolling the clock back, I got into the post apocalyptic survival games after playing Fallout 3 (I sort of missed the rest of the Fallouts to that point) and kept playing through Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4 and so on (we do not speak of 76). I have had a lot of fun with the Fallout series, so image my surprise when I find out there is similar post apocalyptic game coming out in Wasteland 3 … and that this game was the next entry into THAT series.
At first I was under the thought that Wasteland was a rip off of Fallout – all be it a good rip off. Then as I started to look into the game and play it, I found out it was quite the opposite – Fallout took elements from the Wasteland series. The plot of Wasteland 3 feels a little more believable, true to real world events (that is taking on the role of a soldier type trying to secure supplies to save people from your home); and I have to admit, I think I am enjoying Wasteland 3 just a little more (I say enjoying because as of writing this, I still have not finished the game).
The game is played from a 2.5D isometric perspective with turn based combat and a sort of morality system where decisions you make have effects on later game play. The more you do for a particular faction the more you are appreciated and rewarded by said faction and vice versa of course. However there are special interactions, say bringing in certain characters into dialogs that will effect the choices in that interaction. Nothing exactly new, but the way the events are played out in this game makes them feel different and interesting.
The weapons in the game are a variety mostly close (or copies) to real world weapons of the 80’s and behave just like those weapons. There are interesting gadgets that make combat a bit easier to survive and, along with some dialog choices add replay ability if you want to twist the story in a certain direction. Of course during your travels you run into so many moments of “What did I just see??”
There is a lot of subplot to the game that I cannot do justice in anything less than a few dozen pages, probably ruining the game. Suffice it to say though, the Deluge of Fire did nothing to help the stability of Colorado and Wasteland 3 is definitely a game to pick up if you were on the fence about it.