So, it has been a minute, I got sick a few weeks back (weather changes get me every year and tends to make me miserable for a month or two) and then got somewhat sidetracked by work stuff. I assure you dear reader, I was not completely avoiding my duty as blog type creator … just slacking… a little.
A few years back, I decided to make a go at making this site 100% professional, I had a different domain name and different content. I never could quite get it to land the way I wanted to thought and I pulled that domain and all under the FallingStuff umbrella … During my recent absence, I got to thinking about it and took some time to spin that name out from under the this main site to its own hosting. I really wanted to give some focus to the more education and knowledge I started creating here and felt like it would get lost in the noise that is memes and music and game stuff and whatever other weirdness that interested me. So, was spun off to house that tutorial and focused content – the spot I reserved to share knowledge and wisdom I have gathered on the computer machines.
I have a boatload of topics that I can create posts about, so content to fill both of these two blogs on at least some kind of schedule should not be a problem. I find myself slightly behind on writing so I need to get caught up to keep in line with the goals I had wanted to meet this year, plus after splitting out the tutorial bits I feel more comfortable writing things that are more on the personal side, thoughts, feelings, etc. so that will be coming.
That is all I have for the moment, I am still in the process of gathering thoughts and organizing notes to get back on it after being distracted – more to come.