Let’s sit down and have a chat

I started off working on my Welcome to 2022 post with a whole lot of the same thing that I have had in my last few updates posts. So I had an idea and cut that post short to its final form and decided to do something different.

Donna Record GIF - Donna Record Breaking GIFs
Broken record much?

2020 was a train wreck, 2021 was a superfund cleanup project … So instead of yet again focusing on what went wrong and things did not get done, time to detach and look at how to get back on track. Last year I got the old internet archives for the site removed … all those splinters of different versions and incoherent forks have been gathered up and committed into this version. I am not sure pulling the old stuff in was a good idea, but saying goes “Never forget where you came from”, and so I will not and instead try to build onto where I came from.

All that said, I spent part of the day reviewing the content from the site and it is really puzzling what has happened. There was such rambling posts followed by messy attempts to follow through, attempts that ended up broken and stupid. Case in point were the memes, supposed to be a Monday and Friday endeavor that ended up being, just about 3 months when I plotted it out. I really have no good explanation for that train of thought … or the derailment of said train, the best I can put together is that I let too much clutter distract me from the goal – I was trying to do too much with an unstructured vision, or just plain let clutter and FUD run rampant in my head. At the end of 2021 I started the process of filing or purging a lot of digital and physical things, this is the way to clear up the clutter and FUD and get back on the path.

I realized last year that I have a lot of experiences in life, and instead of focusing on what I did not do – I need to focus on what I have done and what I want to do. So in that spirit, I have worked out this …

  • Monday – Music, back to posting music on Mondays. I (like probably a lot of people) listen to music to work, coding without music is heresy.
  • Tuesday (every other) – Longer form content, things like hardware / software reviews, completed project, Thinnet Line topics .. etc
  • Friday – Memes, after a week of whatever, I will end the week with memes also because, I enjoy memes.

This plan aim for 130 posts, at the bare minimum, 156 if I ended up doing posts every Tuesday. That does not count the random stuff that I might throw in, just the bare minimum, and should be perfectly achievable goal … to start the year with. Stay tuned.

Welcome 2022 … You have one job.

Welcome 2022 … New year, New … ok, let us not kid ourselves – I am the same asshole I was last year. Just a year older and maybe a little wiser … maybe. As for you 2022, you have 1 job – be better than the last two.

… I started working on more to this post and after looking for some past materials decided, best to wish all a Happy New Year, and add that new posts are coming soon!

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